Aldermore banking on success in Banburys Blenheim Court situated on the M40 corridor
Aldermore Group Plc, www.aldermore.co.uk, which is a UK bank providing financial products to small and medium sized companies, homeowners, landlords and savers, have taken new offices at the prestigious Blenheim Court building www.blenheim-court.co.uk in Banbury. They will be occupying the first floor suite totalling nearly 4,000 sq ft in one of North Oxfordshire’s best quality office buildings. The company, together with the building’s owner Threadneedle Property Investments Ltd www.columbiathreadneedle.co.uk have transformed the office suite to provide new quality facilities.
The ‘Landmark Building’ built in 1990 comprises circa 30,000 sq ft of offices - current tenants already include Hodder Education, OCS Group Ltd and WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). Blenheim Court is situated in the Town Centre, close to the London to Birmingham railway and with excellent access to the M40 junction 11 and the rest of the national motorway network.
Chris White, Managing Director of White Commercial, comments: “The London to Birmingham M40 corridor is currently experiencing significant commercial and residential growth and we are seeing a number of companies expanding and relocating in the district. White Commercial has recently seen a marked improvement in demand from occupiers for larger buildings along the M40 and as a company we are involved in the leasing/sale of the majority of the available quality office buildings in the region.”

Chris White
Managing Director
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Harvey White
Commercial Property Advisor
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