Formal Commercial Property Valuations
White Commercial Surveyors provide a comprehensive valuation and appraisal service which will include a professional judgement as to the current value of the property, any potential latent value and its suitability within a business plan, having regard to both existing requirements and any future exit strategies. All our valuations are produced by registered valuers and in accordance with the RICS valuation standards.
Our valuation reports are detailed, clear, transparent and dedicated to the individual client’s needs. Our valuations contain a logical sequence; detailed research and market knowledge including alternative options and a consideration of risk.
White Commercial Surveyors’ highly skilled valuation team benefits from their detailed knowledge and activity within the key property markets and provide comprehensive and accurate assessments of commercial property values for banking, accounts, insurance and other purposes within the mandatory requirements of the RICS Valuation, Global Standards.

The provision of comprehensive valuation appraisal reports
Detailed, clear, transparent and dedicated reports for individual client’s requirements.
The provision of detailed research and market knowledge including alternative options and consideration of risk within valuations.
Critical commentary including sensitive analysis and other statistical methods where required.
Comprehensive valuation reports for banking, accounts, insurance.
All our reports strictly adhere to the mandatory requirements of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Appraisal and Valuation Manual as amended.

Chris White
Managing Director
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Harvey White
Commercial Property Advisor
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